Manor farm, then and now. Shows the progress of restoration from the earliest when I photographed the area to the latest date.
Putting this page together is proving rather tedious. Generally I establish the earliest photo I have of a particular scene then try and find the corresponding latest shot. Typically I find that having decided to do this page, I either do not have more recent photos or those I possess have been taken from slightly different angles or zoom factors. This is all further exacerbated by using two cameras. The earlier photos were taken with my bridge camera, which has a 20mm range for landscape, whilst later photos tended to be with my DLSR which has a 16mm range for landscape via the Tamron lens. Then I discover all sorts of interesting intermediate steps.
An easterly view from the south footpath of the yellow bridge. Possibly needing a new photo to complement the old better. I'll need a better photo to complement Diane's. The body of water in the foreground had been filled in prior to my recordings.
I've often commented on how low the water levels can get in Cormorant lake. Here is a north facing shot from approximately the middle of the south shore of Cormorant lake.