What a wet week we've had. Some four to five inches of rain fell. Friday and Saturday delivered a storm lasting almost 48 hours. A couple more mild storms followed on Sunday and Monday, dropping huge amounts of rain. Perhaps all this water is one reason why Inert have not continued restoration on the north shores of Cormorant lake (south). Actually, I think not. I have observed Inert following this strategy. Flitting over the site, building spoil heaps in odd places, before flattening the whole lot, gouging out the land, then building more spoil heaps. They have extended the spoil heap around the pump station, building a fairly spectacular hill. Oddly, the bulldozer is now pushing spoil from the north to the south, which I do not understand. For why? Well, the lorries cross the bailey bridge, then reverse down to the pump station. However, they have to wait for the bulldozer to reversed east, past the pump station before dropping their load. The bulldozer then pushes the spoil west and then south. All the while, there is a lorry queue, patiently waiting on Chandlers farm. The point is, there is a whole mass of land, quite firm, to the south of the spoil heap, with sufficient room for lorries to dump their loads, without having to wait for the bulldozer or hold up other lorries. Instead, for reasons I cannot fathom, Inert get the lorries to squeeze through the narrowest part of this area. Very strange. Comments are closed.
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November 2025
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